THE LOTUS OF BAHAPUR “One of the most remarkable achievements of our time, proving that the drive and vision of spirit can achieve miracles.”
– Arthur Erickson, Canadian architect
While designing the Baha’i House of Worship for India — a Temple dedicated to the Oneness of God, the Oneness of Religions, and the Oneness of Mankind, in which peoples of all backgrounds are welcome – architect Fariborz Sahba was inspired to use the lotus flower as the basis for his creation. He chose it as a symbol for the Bahá’í belief in the potential purity of the human spirit; he chose it as a metaphor for the truth that out of the “murky waters” of our collective history of ignorance and violence we will arise to create a new age of peace and universal brotherhood.
Roger White,
Forever in Bloom

“Beautiful concrete structures have always been built, as is amply demonstrated by two examples – the Pantheon in Rome and the Lotus Temple in New Delhi – between which constructions there is a whole 2,000 year gap. It is indeed astonishing how the ancient Romans could build such a superb concrete structure, as is undoubtedly the case with the Pantheon in 27 B.C., long before any theoretical tools for its design were available, and for that matter two thousand years before any symposiums on durability, serviceability, or geometry control were ever held!
It is hoped that future generations will contemplate the recently completed beautiful Lotus Temple in New Delhi with the same admiration and respect, appreciating that in our technological era the sense of beauty and harmony has not been totally lost.”
Dr. Rene Walter, Professor,
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,

A powerful icon of great beauty that goes beyond its pure function of serving as a congregational space to become an important architectural symbol of the city.
World Architecture 1900 – 2000
critical mosaic (Volume 8)
I am so deeply moved, visiting this great beautiful place that I find no words to express my feelings. People visiting here, will find intense joy, love and peace.
Pandit Ravi Shankar
Renowned Musician

The most visited building in the world is the Baha’i House of Worship, more commonly known as the Lotus Temple. Since its opening for public worship in 1986, more than 70 million people have visited. The Baha’i faith is practiced by more than six million people worldwide. – July 2001

Not without justification, the eminent German engineer, Dr.Fritz Leonardt, has described the New Delhi Temple as the Taj Mahal of the 20th century. The Bahá’i Temple will probably be recognized in years to come as one of the building masterpieces of the 20th century.
Construction News,
London, April 1986

The building must be the most remarkable conceptions of our time. I cannot think of another like it clearly symbolic, sculptural – yet impressively accommodating and heroically structural. Truly inspired in form, pattern and material, it is powerfully appealing.
John Bland,
Head, School of Architecture, McGill University
(September 1991)